Aligning with God's Mission

Daily Scripture

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”

Proverbs 27:1


 It's not for us to decide in which time we live, but what we do with the time that's given to us. Reflect on how you currently invest your time and consider making adjustments to align with God's mission. By focusing beyond our circumstances and being generous with our time, we can create a lasting legacy that outlives us. Remember, God is the one that has control over the amount of time that you have. Use it wisely to advance His kingdom.

How can you better align your daily activities with God's mission for your life?

“It's not for us to decide in which time that we live, but what we do with the time that's given to us.” - Pastor Luke

Prayer: Lord, help me to align my time with Your mission. Teach me to use my time wisely to advance Your kingdom and create a lasting legacy. Amen.