Daily Scripture
“They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying, “Who is this?” And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.”
Matthew 21:7-11
Daily Devotion
Jesus receives and encourages adoration as the Messiah.
Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem for a celebration. For all to see who he was. He knew that all the people of Jerusalem would not be happy to see him, but he still went. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey being praise and celebrated by the people. The people put their clothes on the rode and cut branches for Jesus to ride on. The people were individually moved by “Hosanna to the Son of David!”, meaning “save now”. The city was moved by Jesus.
Ask yourself today, are you moved by Jesus so much he leads your every step? Ask yourself today, if you are only moved to ask God for help when you need something? Ask yourself today, are you willing to tell someone about Jesus? Wherever you are, I’m praying for you. Our leadership is praying for you. My hope and prayer is you are so moved that you allow Jesus to lead your every step. Much love.
Macon Jones