Daily Scripture
“Then the word of the Lord came to me: “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the Lord. Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.”
Jeremiah 18:5-6
Daily Devotion
My team at work and I recently participated in personality development assessments that are designed to help us better understand ourselves and improve our workplace performance and relationships in a variety of contexts. My assessments came back with some of the following personality descriptions: Direct, firm, strong-willed, forceful. It also stated that when I am right, I am unlikely to back down and will not yield if it means settling.
Ask any of my family members and they will agree that they have been dealing with a stubborn man who loves to be in control and rarely yields. Sounds like a real sweetheart, huh?
But I am sure that many of you have some of these same traits. Most everyone thinks that they know best, likes to dictate situations, and loves to go their own way. Yielding is just not something that comes easy to human beings. Thankfully, we have a Master potter that is patient!
Clay’s best quality is that it is yielding and submissive in the hands of the potter. How much shaping could be done if the clay were like rock? I have yielded, been disobedient, yielded, been disobedient, and again and again He has continued to shape me in spite of my imperfections and resistance.
My personality assessment also said that I am resolute and unwavering in my beliefs and will stand firm on them. I can say that I am firmly confident that my Master potter is creating something in me that will be for His glory and good and He is working to give my life value and purpose in the same way that a potter gives clay value and purpose.
Whether God shapes me into something common or something extraordinary, I am confident that it is for His greater purpose and whether it is common or extraordinary, it will be beautiful.
“Thank you, Father for creating us and shaping us. Forgive us for our resistance and disobedience. I pray that we yield to you to transform our minds, desires, thoughts, affections, actions, and every facet of our lives. We desire to be a display of your goodness and glory!”
Gary Jones