He is Risen

Daily Scripture

“He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.”

Luke 24:6-7

Daily Devotion

To remember means that something has been brought to mind.  Jesus told the women he was going to die and overcome the grave in 3 days.  However, they needed reminding by the “two men in clothes that gleamed like lightening” (NIV) about what Jesus said when he was alive. 

I’ll have to admit that my memory fails me often these days.  As I get older, the ability to recall information is slow or absent.  I am the world’s worst at memorizing scripture.  I usually know what Jesus did and said but might not be able to tell you where to find it in the Bible or quote it word for word.  If the women would have remembered Jesus' words, then they would not have gone to his grave.  Once the men reminded them of what Jesus said, they remembered! The women were in mourning.  Perhaps their grief caused them to forget.  When I get down and discouraged, I tend to forget God’s word and want to go my own way.  Then when I ponder scripture, I am reminded of his word and the truths they bring.

During our busy day to day lives, we often forget his Word.  Jesus did exactly what he said he was going to do.  We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection each year to help us remember His power over death and that salvation is possible to those who put their trust and faith in Him.

Christa Jones

He is Risen


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