Daily Scripture
“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”
Hebrews 11:6
Daily Devotion
What a great verse to start the week off with!
As we read this verse, we find ourselves in the middle of the “faith chapter “ in Hebrews. Here we see God’s first and foremost concern for his children, and that is our faith in Him. If you read the beginning of Hebrews 11, you see Old Testament figures commended for their faith. God’s promise to them is the same promise to us today. A faith that pleases God is a faith that fully trusts God. But what does a faith like that look like? It is a faith that remains in the hope of God’s promises to us, not rooted in uncertainty about the future. It is faith that surrenders in obedience to Him daily, and not just a robot going through the motions on Sunday morning. It is actively searching His Word and seeking His presence in your life. And a faith like that, according to His Word, will be rewarded.
As you go through your week, I want to encourage you to examine your own faith. Ask God to show you areas in your life where your faith could be a little stronger. And when He shows you what those areas are, (and He will show you), don’t be afraid to take that first step. What will follow will be closer communion with God and a faith that is commendable.
Brice Alumbaugh