Words at the Cross

Daily Scripture

“And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments.”

Luke 23:34

Daily Devotion

Jesus Christ, after being beaten, mocked, and humiliated, sits on the cross being crucified and cries out to the Lord God Almighty, on our behalf, pleading for our forgiveness. After all these unjust acts were done to Jesus, his first thought was not hatred or revenge, but it was his ever-lasting love for us. A love beyond our understanding. Jesus lived a sinless life and paid the ultimate price on the cross to save us from our sins. Personally, I have not lived a sinless life. But through Jesus’ sacrifice, I can be forgiven for my sins and live an eternal life with God. 

Righley Medders, Belmont Young Adult

Words at the Cross


Words at the Cross -