Focus Beyond Circumstances

Daily Scripture

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”

Philippians 1:21


Life is frail and unpredictable. We often think it's going to go one way, but it goes a completely different way. Philippians 1:21 teaches us that to live is Christ and to die is gain. This means that our focus should be on knowing Jesus and making Him known, regardless of our circumstances. Even in the midst of challenges, we can bring glory to the Lord by focusing on His mission and not our own.

How can you focus on knowing Jesus and making Him known, even in the midst of challenging circumstances?

“Life is frail. You think it's going to go one way, but it goes a completely different way.” - Pastor Luke

Prayer: Lord, help me to focus on You and Your mission, even when life is unpredictable. Teach me to trust in Your plan and bring glory to You in all circumstances. Amen.